Tackling School Attendance And Completion

students on their way to school

At the completion of Term 1 (can you believe it!) we trust you’re enjoying the autumnal weather and the shift into the cooler months, for those who experience four seasons!

Today, we’ll be talking about school retention and how we can work together to make sure as many students as possible complete Year 12. We know that senior high school students who experience complex medical and mental health conditions have increased pressure in the final school years and that can be particularly challenging (especially if they’re missing school). On missing school, our newsletter carries a timely update on the Commonwealth Government’s response to the Senate Committee report on ‘school refusal’. We’ve also popped in a book recommendation.

The good news is that support is available and, through collaboration between schools, families and support services, students with complex conditions can complete Year 12 and move on to building their future.


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. ~Winston Churchill


Improving School Completion

A recent Smith Family study of early school leavers found that 32% of students surveyed who left school before completing Year 12 had a health or mental health condition. We welcome their recommendations for improving school completion which include individualised support for students and families. We’ll also add support for students during absences to the list!


“Learn From Anywhere” Privacy

Maintaining school connection for students with complex health conditions who are absent is critical for reducing the risk of them becoming early school-leavers. When considering telepresence technology, schools and parents often raise privacy concerns – for teachers, peers, and the absent student. By implementing simple protocols, privacy risks can be addressed, enabling safe and secure “learn from anywhere” connections for absent students to their classrooms. TAKE ME TO IT

Rising School Absence Due To Mental Health Conditions

In Australia, students in Years 11-12 experience higher rates of absenteeism due to complex mental health conditions than their peers at lower year levels. Absences due to mental disorders rise from 8.9% of all days missed in Years 1-6 to 16.6% of days missed in Years 11-12. This highlights the need for specialised services to support senior high school students’, including when they are absent. Our Helpline is here to assist. Reach out today! MISSINGSCHOOL HELPLINE

The Latest On School Can’t

The government has released its response to the Senate Committee report on The national trend of school refusal and related matters which has lead the Greens to call for more action on school refusal (school can’t). Greens spokesperson on Primary & Secondary Education, Senator Penny Allman-Payne says “Parents, carers and advocates have been crying out for help and action on school can’t for years, but those cries have fallen on deaf ears.” FIND OUT MORE

What We’ve Been Reading

Finally, one of our favourite pieces of writing on mental health is The Body Keeps the ScoreBessel van der Kolk provides an incredible look into the effects of stress and trauma on the body and the brain. It’s approachable, challenging and moving, and offers profound insights on how to process trauma. If you haven’t read it already, swing by a library and check it out! CHECK IT OUT

At MissingSchool, we believe in the power of community. Together, we can create environments where every child feels like they belong.

It would be impossible for us to stay the course without your incredible support. There are many ways to help:

Every action moves us closer to the finish line: a world where every child is seen and heard at school. Where ‘learn from anywhere’ is universal.

Let’s keep connecting,


CEO & Cofounder

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