This year, representations have been made to:
- The Prime Minister’s Office
- Office of the Commonwealth Minister for Education
- Office of the Commonwealth Minister for Health
- Office of the Leader of the Opposition
- Office of the Shadow Minister for Education
- Office of the Secretary, Social Policy Caucus Committee
- Office of the Chair, Coalition Education Policy Committee
- Office of the Minister for Education, NSW
- Senator Katy Gallagher
- Commonwealth and State and Territory politicians with responsibility for education and health portfolios, responses from all but one state. Responses varied from a simple acknowledgement, to a statement of policies in place. None of the responses answered the critical questions of how many students miss school because of serious illness, nor produced evidence for an evaluated best practice model.
Representation follow-ups in each State and Territory will be made to:
- Megan Mitchell, National Children’s Commissioner
- Ms Dianne Gidlin, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Council of State School Organisations
- Mr Ross Fox, Executive Director, The National Catholic Education Commission
- Mr Chris Watt, Federal Secretary, Independent Education Union of Australia, ACT
- Ms Colette Colman, Acting Executive Director, The Independent Schools Council of Australia, ACT
Representations to educators and health professionals across Commonwealth, State and Territory politicians, included:
- Invitation to become a representative on the national H.E.L.P Alliance Committee
- Commonwealth Department of Education and Training – 21/03/2016
- ACT Education and Training Directorate – 28/04/2016 NSW Department of Education and Minister for Education’s Office – 17/06/2016
- representations through the media
The widespread national media coverage achieved on the launch of School connection for seriously sick kids: who are they, how do we know what works, and whose job is it? was instrumental in having the issue recognised by the Commonwealth government, with a view to galvanising greater attention to the challenge in the states and territories. The media attention across all major media platforms played an inestimable role in raising awareness of the issue for families, educators, health professionals, and the wider public. MissingSchool spent months responding to messages from health and education professionals and the public.