We made representations to and held consultations with Commonwealth, State and Territory politicians and officers on school connection for seriously sick kids. MissingSchool also:
- discussed an approach to tabling the issue with the Secretary of the Education Council under COAG
- engaged with all major party candidates prior to the ACT Election
- had the opportunity of a private audience with the Governor General to present the issue
- sought and achieved agreement from ACT Education Minister and Directorate to participate in small-scale trial of telepresence robot technology to connect sick kids to school when they are absent
- represented the issue by interview to the ACT Students with Disability Resource Allocation consultation led by former Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes
- pursued renewed connection with Commonwealth Education Minister Birmingham’s office
- submitted to ACT Students with Disability Resource Allocation Review, and
- continued contribution to and role on ACT Education Disability Education Reference Group, national Health-Education-Learners-Parents Committee (including informing the development of the H.E.L.P. Conference held in September 2017), and Sydney Children’s Hospital Kids’ Cancer Centre Parent Advisory Committee.
- conferences and presentations
MissingSchool appreciates the opportunity to participate in the conferences and presentations. These provide valuable opportunities and connections while sharing MissingSchool’s advocacy work.