Raising Awareness For Seriously Sick Kids Missing School

We made representations to and held consultations with Commonwealth, State and Territory politicians and officers on school connection for seriously sick kids. MissingSchool also:

  • discussed an approach to tabling the issue with the Secretary of the Education Council under COAG
  • engaged with all major party candidates prior to the ACT Election
  • had the opportunity of a private audience with the Governor General to present the issue
  • sought and achieved agreement from ACT Education Minister and Directorate to participate in small-scale trial of telepresence robot technology to connect sick kids to school when they are absent
  • represented the issue by interview to the ACT Students with Disability Resource Allocation consultation led by former Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes
  • pursued renewed connection with Commonwealth Education Minister Birmingham’s office
  • submitted to ACT Students with Disability Resource Allocation Review, and
  • continued contribution to and role on ACT Education Disability Education Reference Group, national Health-Education-Learners-Parents Committee (including informing the development of the H.E.L.P. Conference held in September 2017), and Sydney Children’s Hospital Kids’ Cancer Centre Parent Advisory Committee.
  • conferences and presentations

MissingSchool appreciates the opportunity to participate in the conferences and presentations. These provide valuable opportunities and connections while sharing MissingSchool’s advocacy work.


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