Megan Gilmour: Megan Gilmour LinkedIn post

MissingSchool was featured in a LinkedIn post from CEO Megan Gilmour. To view the original article click here.



And then a telepresence robot starts school in the ACT for a sick student. MissingSchool is thrilled to have the first school in our Australian pilot welcome a telepresence robot to keep a seriously sick little girl connected to her classmates. Yarralumla Primary, Canberra, is a vibrant example of school community, progressive inclusion, and innovation in education, teaching and learning. We’re grateful to ACT Education Directorate for being the first jurisdiction in Australia to participate in the pilot. The pilot is made possible by the generous Inspire Grant from St.Geroge Foundation of up to $600,000 over three years. (Image: Deb Sayers, Deputy Principal, Yarralumla Primary, and Padbot)

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