We applaud the efforts of Dave King, from the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Dave took on the challenge this year of running a marathon in every state of Australia, to raise funds for the Back on Track program which supports the educational, social and welfare needs of kids undergoing cancer treatment. Back on Track is funded by the Fight Cancer Foundation in Victoria, coordinated by the Royal Children’s Hospital Education Institute in Melbourne, and provided in NSW by the Children’s Hospital Westmead. Most recently, on 27 July 2013, Dave completed the Outback Marathon in the Northern Territory in just over 4.5 hours. Still to come are the Adelaide Marathon on 25 August (SA), the Ross Marathon on 1 September (Tasmania), and Blackmores Sydney Marathon on 22 September (NSW). Dave is accompanied on every run by a Children’s Hospital Bandaged Bear, a constant reminder of the kids who have inspired him. To support Dave, visit his website at Have Bear Will Run.