Honey: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: ‘We saw four different doctors who said it was viral’

MissingSchool was featured in an article from Honey Nine. To view the original article click here.

It was winter when Ayla started coughing. Nothing serious. Just a persistent cough doctors explained away as a cold or a virus that had to run its course. One doctor prescribed antibiotics when her health failed to improve.

“She was generally healthy and had no history of anything, and it was winter season and everyone had a cough or a cold,” Sydney mum Prasadi tells 9Honey.

“We had a cough on and off for almost a month and we saw four different doctors who said it was viral, to just ‘walk it off’.”

It was July 2019, and Prasadi and her husband Avi kept an eye on their daughter, who was still happy and energetic despite the cough that wouldn’t go away.


Prasadi with her daughter Ayla, now seven. (Supplied)


“She’s just the happiest, most energetic kid,” Prasadi says. “Apart from the coughing she was absolutely fine until towards the end when she started feeling very tired which was unlike her.”

The concerned parents decided to take Ayla back to the doctor once more, explaining that she had been coughing for a month with no sign of improvement.

The doctor drew some blood from the little girl and sent the family home to wait for the results.

“He told us to take Ayla to hospital but to swing by the medical centre to get a cover letter to take to the emergency department,” she recalls.

Prasadi asked if everything was okay, feeling concerned but not yet panicked. She was told to take Ayla to hospital to “get everything checked out”.

“I was thinking the worst it could be was pneumonia.”


After persistently coughing for a month, doctors suspected something more serious was going on. (Supplied)


At the hospital, Ayla underwent further testing, including a chest x-ray that confirmed she had pneumonia.

Then the doctor began feeling under her armpits, which is when Prasadi first began to feel prickles of fear.

Ayla was given intravenous antibiotics for the pneumonia while the family awaited further test results.

At 10pm, doctors confirmed the discovery of a tumour the size of a grapefruit in Ayla’s chest, saying it was wrapped around one of her main arteries near her heart.


“I was thinking the worst it could be was pneumonia.”


“And that was that. We had to start her fasting straight away for surgery for a biopsy to confirm everything and a week after that she started chemotherapy,” Prasadi says.

Doctors later confirmed Ayla had a form of cancer called Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. It was non-operable due to the tumours dangerous location, but the survival rate of patients was high.


The family was shocked by the devastating diagnosis. Ayla with dad Avi, mum Prasadi and brother Ilan, nine. (Supplied)


“We were both in shock, it was quite surreal and I don’t remember exactly what happened that night but I remember thinking we just had to get on with it,” Prasadi says.

The couple told their son Ian that his little sister was sick, but they didn’t use the word “cancer” at first.

“We said she had a tumour that needed treatment,” she explains.

“Later on the hospital gave us some books to help explain it, and both of the kids are big readers so they really helped. One was called Tom Has Lymphoma and the other was called Amelia Has Cancer.

She was admitted for intravenous antibiotics ahead of further testing. (Supplied)


After the biopsy, Ayla was allowed to return home for the weekend before being re-admitted for 10 days. She developed influenza on top of everything her tiny body was already dealing with.

The chemo went ahead, with doctors concluding the little girl was strong enough to cope with it.

“They have very defined criteria for how far they can push someone, certain counts and if the counts are above that they go ahead and do it,” Prasadi says.

Also the location of the tumour meant the situation was urgent; it was pressing against her lungs and wrapped around her main artery.


Ayla has since undergone a biopsy, chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. (Supplied)


The chemotherapy treatment was successful and Ayla was in full remission after two cycles.

“We thought it was all over,” Prasadi says.

Ayla was monitored closely for signs of further tumours. The next scan revealed a dot, but doctors said it was inconclusive.

“They said they would look again in six weeks, and by then they found a tumour had grown near her heart,” Prasadi says.

When Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is initially diagnosed, the survival rate is about 90 per cent. A relapse like this is rare.

Ayla was now in the high-risk category, and aggressive treatment would be needed. This time, she would undergo a bone marrow transplant and radiotherapy.


In the starlight room with Captain Starlight choosing face paint. (Supplied)


When Prasadi speaks to 9Honey, Ayla has is at home recovering from the bone marrow transplant and waiting to start radiotherapy.

Prasadi hopes her daughter can return to school in-person in Term Four this year, but it depends on how her next round of treatment goes.

“Radiotherapy come with long-term side effects, not short-term like chemotherapy,” she explains.

“It can cause secondary cancers and heart issues and things like that. But we are just taking one step at a time.”

The family went into lockdown in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic due to Ayla’s compromised immune system, and during her hospital stays.

This leaves Prasadi to keep her bright and energetic daughter occupied both in hospital and at home.


Getting some much-needed rest with her dad by her side. (Supplied)


During her hospital stays, she says Ayla loved Starlight TV, run by the Starlight Children’s Foundation, which allowed her to play along from her hospital bed.

“She would call in for every quiz and every game. She loves the captains… they are funny, funny human beings,” she adds.

To keep up with her schooling, a charity called Missing School has assigned a robot that attends class in Ayla’s place, allowing her to dial into school using an iPad from hospital.

“It’s amazing. It’s a good way for her to keep track of her school work and her friends and to participate,” Prasadi says.

The mother-of-two describes herself as having “a lot of emotional reserves”, which she has used to cope with her daughter’s illness.

“And we’ve had amazing support from around us, especially from my husband’s family who have been amazingly helpful,” she says.

“Friends drop food at my door and craft packs and sweets for the kids. They do it all without me asking.”

Starlight’s ‘Tour de Kids’ is back. It is a 30-day cycling challenge that runs from 1-3 September, raising much-needed funds for sick kids. Find out more by visiting the official website.

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