Notification Of Committee Vacancies


(Notice served 9 November 2018)

Two vacancies have arisen on the Management Committee, following the recent resignation of Belinda Barnier and Megan Jackson.

We thank Megan and Belinda for their service to Missing School, and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

An election to fill these vacancies will be held on 19 November 2018. Members of Missing School are encouraged to consider nominating for the position of Treasurer, and the position of Secretary.

Please contact Megan Gilmour ( or Megan Jackson ( to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the positions.

Nominations, endorsed by two other Missing School members, must be received in writing to 1 Murranji Street, Hawker ACT 2614, or via email to, by 5pm, 12 November, 2018.


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