Applications For Funding And Plans For 2013 And Beyond!



We are building momentum and new possibilities with applications for funding for many strategic objectives in the next two years! 100 Heroes, $1,000.00: Bathurst Forum in Canberra. St George Foundation, $25,000.00: Research in collaboration with ARACY to confirm statistics on illness-related school absenteeism, best practice (Australia and worldwide), and audit of state and territory legislation. Australia Post “Our Neighbourhood Community”, $12,650.00: Development of “Let’s go viral” video campaign to raise awareness of educational challenges facing seriously sick kids. Jetstar “Flying Start”, $30,000.00: Development of resource toolkit; travel to introduce and consult with stakeholders in other states and regions. Other plans for 2013/14 include attendance at the H.E.L.P. Conference in September 2013, as well as the Children’s Healthcare Australasia Conference in April 2014, which will focus on the intersection of the medical and educational sectors in children’s healthcare. We have made good connections with other organisations involved in the care of seriously sick kids, and will be working to formalise partnerships with those organisations in 2013/14. We will also be broadening our parent membership base in order to reach out to the kids and families whose situations and needs are as variable as the wide range of critical or chronic illnesses which have an impact on education and school participation.

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